Fear of Failing

I love this title! Odd you’d think, but actually here’s why I like the word “FEAR”. It has the word “EAR” and what you hear influences just as much as anything you read.

Why is the fear of failing or Atychiphobia diagnosable by a third person but often times goes unnoticed by oneself? Psst, I have the answer. We’re running from it. Even now, you’re probably procrastinating on a task or a job related deadline because you confuse a possibility to be impossible, leading to career fatigue or worse, burnout!

#CareerAdvice For You: renew your mind every single day. To do that, consider everything before you, the good, bad, and ugly. Make a list, pen to paper it down and then, renew your mind, reform your thoughts, and you’ll notice that the three adjectives associated with the process will now be good, acceptable and perfect. Read about it in the Bible. It says so and I know so, I’ve done it, not once, not twice, but a number of times, not enough even, to know it’s spring cleaning our mind and thoughts to get this fear of failing to become the courage to winning. Now you can too!

Listen to this episode on Now You Can Too and share it, because what’s the use if you keep the light inside of you and never shine it to the darkness?

DON’T WAIT, click on the link below to listen now

Now You Can Too: S1 Ep2

The Road of Perseverance:

The paradox of this statement “persevering for rest” can make you do a double take. I know how much guilt I’ve had to clear out of my tank to feel a self-validation in this period between jobs. If I’m being honest, to say I’m in a period of rest makes me feel judged. Often times it’s our self judgment that restricts our growth.

As I meditated on this topic longer, I had to go back to my younger days, fast forward to my adult years, and find research that spoke to this very hypothesis- rest is essential for success. I could see layers and years of my self judgment falling away and found this new strength in the moment to help me complete this episode.

I’m reminded of so many moments of rest that I’ve fought off in order to persevere toward success. Success in completing a work deadline, success in going into the office even when I know I’m not in the mental state to do so. Success in keeping a home and not slacking off. You see, we can apply this to most aspects of our life and wherever you are reading this, your situation too.

In speaking the truth to myself I’ve discovered that practicing intentional rest periods has been immensely fruitful. Studies show that with well planned rest times we can recover and perform better. It takes me back to the design of work-life balance.

Why do we have a 2 day rest period called the weekend if we spend 6 days working and barely one day to rest and recuperate?

While the world can debate this unto eternity I’m going to put down the truth. Each of us are designed to perform in this life with a tank of energy, positivity, intellect, and wisdom. We also fill that tank with other elements, you can answer the “what” for yourself.

Knowing your body needs a rest break is as simple as knowing when to wake up and go to the bathroom. The more aligned you are to your mind and body, the better it will perform and position you for success.

I do hope you find this episode of Road of Perseverance a dialogue between your mind and your actions.

Make the changes today and know, Now You Can Too!

With hope and love


Now You Can Too: S1 Ep1


FEBRUARY 14, 2023

It’s Valentines Day today and I’m delighted to publish episode one of #NowYouCanToo. It didn’t take too long to zero in on the first episode title and message. I’ve encountered this syndrome so many times throughout my career that it’s now synonymous to how we tackle opposition and growth in our lives.

The Imposter Syndrome can hit you at any point in life really. It’s most relevant in our careers, but if we’re being honest, we encounter the imposter syndrome even in our formative years. Think back. Think way back to when you wanted to explore something in your life but felt like you were not worthy of doing so. Was it music lessons? Was it singing? Was it theatre? Was it a volunteering gig? Was it a job?

I’ve come to accept that the imposter syndrome can either keep us from achieving our destiny or it can be the driving force to finding it.


This mini-cast is designed as the first in a series focussed on #Careers. I’ve had innumerable opportunities and challenges over 13 years of working in media, public diplomacy, and journalism. I’ve travelled the route to volunteer with organizations building youth skills, given back to the next generation of journalists as an instructor and educator and through each chapter, come to learn valuable lessons that helped create minimal loss and maximum gain.

Now you can too!

Before you close this page: The biggest benefit is to share what you learn. In this lifetime you and me won’t have much to gain if we skip the sharing process. If you like what you listen to in the podcast, please don’t skip the 5 seconds it takes to hit share, like, and a comment on the effort toward this series.

Listen on:

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I hope to have your time for Episode 2, coming the following Tuesday.

Now You Can Too!

For the most of my adult life I have provided my professional services toward media and public diplomacy. The learning curve has been transformational and I’m a better professional than I was in my early years. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the fanfare when you do well, but it’s equally important to pay it forward and talk about the learnings or mistakes or flops to help keep our journey toward success a real goal.

For a long time, I’ve meditated on the idea to do a project that brings my own learning full circle. It’s a conversation between faith and fear no less. It’s emotions, experience, and passion all packaged for your consumption.

So, this is my foray into audio programming through my first mini-podcast booster, a shorter take on the long form listening programs we’re so accustomed to. I hope to grow this new audience of listeners into a following of purpose-driven individuals. No matter what stage of life you might be tuning in at, this series in Season 1 will touch on subjects to do with career and the various shades we experience. You might have had similar experiences, so please do get in touch, share your stories, and build this community that upholds, shares, and grows. If you don’t find the material relatable, it’s ok, keep listening because I can promise you won’t regret the 3 minutes you are intentional about.

Now You Can Too is a slogan for change. It’s an anthem I’m learning to sing with confidence, and I’d love if you can join my anthem song as a follower or sharer of the content.

New episodes will be published every Tuesday CT, so please hit the notification on the platform you find easy to click and listen.

This podcast is available on the following platforms:

Listen here: Anchor

Spotify, Apple Podcasts, IHeartRadio, Amazon Music and Google Podcasts.

Your’s truly,