Now You Can Too: S1 Ep2

The Road of Perseverance:

The paradox of this statement “persevering for rest” can make you do a double take. I know how much guilt I’ve had to clear out of my tank to feel a self-validation in this period between jobs. If I’m being honest, to say I’m in a period of rest makes me feel judged. Often times it’s our self judgment that restricts our growth.

As I meditated on this topic longer, I had to go back to my younger days, fast forward to my adult years, and find research that spoke to this very hypothesis- rest is essential for success. I could see layers and years of my self judgment falling away and found this new strength in the moment to help me complete this episode.

I’m reminded of so many moments of rest that I’ve fought off in order to persevere toward success. Success in completing a work deadline, success in going into the office even when I know I’m not in the mental state to do so. Success in keeping a home and not slacking off. You see, we can apply this to most aspects of our life and wherever you are reading this, your situation too.

In speaking the truth to myself I’ve discovered that practicing intentional rest periods has been immensely fruitful. Studies show that with well planned rest times we can recover and perform better. It takes me back to the design of work-life balance.

Why do we have a 2 day rest period called the weekend if we spend 6 days working and barely one day to rest and recuperate?

While the world can debate this unto eternity I’m going to put down the truth. Each of us are designed to perform in this life with a tank of energy, positivity, intellect, and wisdom. We also fill that tank with other elements, you can answer the “what” for yourself.

Knowing your body needs a rest break is as simple as knowing when to wake up and go to the bathroom. The more aligned you are to your mind and body, the better it will perform and position you for success.

I do hope you find this episode of Road of Perseverance a dialogue between your mind and your actions.

Make the changes today and know, Now You Can Too!

With hope and love